A warm welcome to

Sherborne Abbey

Founded by St. Aldhelm in AD 705, Sherborne Abbey has developed from Saxon cathedral to the worshipping heart of a monastic community and, finally, to one England’s most beautiful parish churches. For many, it is still the ‘cathedral of Dorset’ and our Benedictine heritage lives on in the daily offering of prayer and praise.

If you have never visited the Abbey, we hope you can do so soon. Marvelling at this glorious building, may you also catch a glimpse of the Glory of God – so that, having arrived as our welcome guest, you will leave renewed, as a pilgrim. Guided Tours of The Abbey take place on a regular basis between April and November and pre-arranged tours for larger groups can also be booked – please see ‘Visit Sherborne Abbey’ for more details.

3rd Sunday before Lent

Almighty God, who alone can bring order to the unruly wills and passions of sinful harmony: give your people grace so to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that, among the many changes of this world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

Saturday 28th October

Day of Prayer and Gifts

We invite you to join us from 10.30am-3pm on our annual Day of Prayer and Gifts. We pray on that day, and both before and after, for the on-going mission and ministry of our churches. It will also be an opportunity to see presentations representing various aspects of life in our Abbey which we are sure will be affirming of what we do and interesting for us all to share in. Find out more

Services & Events

february, 2025

february, 2025

Plans revealed for new facilities

“Improvements to ‘comfort’ at the Abbey are long-overdue, and it was one of my promises, as the new Rector of Sherborne Abbey, to prioritise this work and to make the Abbey an even more welcoming and accessible place to work and visit. These proposals represent the most significant improvement to facilities at the Abbey since the recovery of The Lady Chapel in the 1920s, and I hope they will be welcomed by the local community and visitors alike”.

The Revd. Martin Lee, Team Rector

Explore Sherborne Abbey

Free Guided Tours

FREE ENTRY to the Abbey, including our guided tours (donations always welcome). Children’s trails and information guides in many languages.

Monday-Saturday: 8am-5pm/Sunday: 11am-5pm
Click HERE for details of any visiting restrictions due to services

Tuesday 1 April – Thursday 30 October:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10.30 am

Wednesday 2 April – Friday 21 November:
Wednesdays & Fridays 2.00pm

Saturday 5 July – Sunday 28 September:
Saturdays 10.30am /Sundays 11.15 am*
*When a Sunday morning baptism is taking place, the tour begins at 2pm

JUST TURN UP! Tours take 45 mins-1 hour
Our guide will be waiting for you in the porch

Bespoke tours and larger groups by arrangement (including December-March). Contact Joanna at the Parish Office beforehand to discuss a convenient date and time.
Tel: 01935 713777
e: joanna.sams@sherborneabbey.com
[Office hours Mon-Fri: 9am-3pm [Mon to 1 pm]

Regular Services

Sherborne Abbey

Morning Prayer: 8.30 am Monday to Saturday

Daily Holy Communion: Monday 9.00 am; Tuesday 12 noon; Wednesday 10.30 am; Thursday 12 noon; Friday 9.00 am; Saturday 9.00 am

Requiem Holy Communion: 1st Friday of every month at 9.00 am

Remembering the Fallen: 3rd Friday of every month at 11.00 am

Sunday Services

Sherborne Abbey
Book of Common Prayer Communion 8.00 am
Parish Eucharist 9.30 am
Choral Evensong 6.00 pm

Benefice Churches:
St Mary Magdalen, Castleton 11.15 am
St Martin of Tours, Lillington 9.30 am
St James the Great, Longburton 10.00 am
St Paul’s @ the Gryphon 10.30 am

Opening Times

The Abbey is open for public visiting Monday to Saturday inclusive from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm and Sundays between 11.00 am and 5.00 pm unless services are taking place.

For restricted opening hours due to weddings, funerals etc., please click on ‘Visit Sherborne Abbey’ on the Information tab above.

No admission charge – donations are welcome


The Abbey,  along with the Church of England is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults.  Details of our safeguarding policy can be found here.

Digby Memorial Hall

The Digby Memorial Hall is located opposite Sherborne Abbey in Digby Road. It is available for hire and is ideal for markets, fairs, fitness classes, lectures, parties, music and exhibitions.